In the darkest, most remote reaches of your machine, are where the biggest differences are made

Penetrating Lubricant

Penetrating Lubricant

Won't Take No for an Answer

Part Number: NDT11P
Nano Pro MT Penetrating Lubricant is the only non-flammable rated Penetrating Lubricant on the market with Nanotechnology. It’s Nanoscale additives will penetrate and break the rustiest of bolts saving you both time and money while leaving behind a corrosion fighting Nanoscale lubricant. If this won’t break it loose get a torch.

  • Foaming action – stays where it sprays. No dripping mess.
  • VOC compliant with no noxious odors.
  • Works faster-dissolving rust and penetrating deeper into the metal to get the job done.
  • Protects against corrosion and rust at the Nano level.
  • Reduces friction to extraordinarily low levels to reduce wear and improve efficiency.
  • Penetrates deeply to break friction welds.
  • Resistant to moisture and chemicals.
  • Cuts through grease.
  • Excellent penetration and creep properties. Works great on locks, rusted nuts, bolts, and sliding mechanisms.



Nano Pro MT™ Penetrant Oil is rated as a non-flammable product and safe for storage on boats, control rooms, utility trucks, service garages, and more.

Nano Pro MT Penetrant Oil is designed to stay where it’s sprayed. Traditional penetrant oils can run off their desired target, dripping like liquid from a faucet. Then, you have more on the ground than on the job. For example, during a brake job, penetrant oils are usually sprayed in an inverted state, and most of the product winds up on the ground. The foam of Nano Pro MT Penetrant Oil needs a smaller application size where desired, and the foam does the work of staying put to penetrate and lubricate. Nano Pro MT Penetrant Oil also penetrates rust at the nano level, deeper than most chemical surfactants can. The nanoparticles creep deep into the pores and interfaces of the metal, freeing rusty metal bolts with ease; you use less of our product and get better results. (Note: High heat turbo housings and exhaust manifold bolts may require additional time for the product to do its job.)

No, our product is a 3 in 1. Nano Pro MT Penetrant Oil does 3 different things- it is a penetrant oil, a lubricant, and has anti-corrosion properties. When space is at a premium, or you just want to have one go-to product in your garage or shop this is it. Many products on the market only penetrate, we lubricate as well, leaving a surface that fights corrosion.

Nano Pro MT Penetrant Oil active ingredients penetrate metal at the Nano (billionth of a meter) level, which is the smallest measurable level that can elicit a physical change outside the sub-atomic or pico (trillionth a meter) level. All this means is that our particles work at levels never before seen.

Yes, people and manufacturers subscribe to one of two schools when it comes to gun lube. Some like wet and some like dry. It actually depends on the application, the gun platform and the component you are lubing. Slides typically use our Nano Pro MT Dry Lubricant, and other components that are less prone to dust use the Nano Pro MT Penetrant Oil, both on the same gun. Others who store their guns for long periods between use enjoy the added anti-corrosive protection of our Penetrating Oil against the moisture that can be absorbed into case or holster flocking. Our products are being used by large metropolitan police departments now. (Strict non-endorsement contracts prohibit us from saying which forces.) (See the Austin Weiss video on

Yes, Nano Pro MT Penetrating Oil is a true three-in-one product that provides anti-corrosive benefits far beyond other products in this category. It not only disolves rust, it prevents it.

Nano Pro MT - Military Tested. Military Tough.
Goldman Sachs Small Businesses Alumni
Liquid IQ Nanofluid Engineering

Nano Pro MT™ products containLiquid IQ, a proprietary Nanotechnology that lubricates at the nano level where metal meets metal; where frictioncreates heat, causes wear; and where pressures build, and performance lags. So, it’s theonly lubricant to give you complete protection.


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